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How To Get Your Plays Funded By Investors...

I have been producing stage plays, films and music projects consistently starting in 1979 in New York City and since 1996, in London. I have produced over 120 projects.

One of the main functions of a producer is acquiring the funding from a source willing to invest in return for either a financial return, or some other element of value that has been agreed and established between the project producers and the investor.

In most cases it is a financial return but not always. One of the most important things I learned early on is that money is not necessarily the only currency in a deal.

Producing has to do with knowing the rules of a given financial environment and how those rules relate to and can benefit both the producer as well as the investor. For example there may be certain tax benefits for investors of certain projects, and there may be certain benefits to the producer of a project that may not be hard cash, but rather services provided by a supplier.

But in most cases it is not generally known how to go about approaching investors or even preparing the kind of business plan that might be presented to an investor or understanding what kind of investment will and will not be good for your project. For example, if you were to become involved with a business shark who liked your project and was willing to give you money in exchange for a majority share of your project that they would control for all time to come, then normally that would not be a good deal for you. However there may be conditions on which you could except the money if certain deals and agreement were in place and made part of the deal.

What I am now offering is a consultancy for people interested in learning more about how to fund their projects.

I am not offering a course or a seminar because each person's situation is different ( and because I am not trying to earn a profit by selling seminars.) I am interested in helping people to understand how to sell what it is they need to sell in a way that makes sense for both them and the investor. For example selling an investor on investing in a singer's career is quite different than selling an investor on investing in a play or a film.

Over the years what I have been astounded that many minority artists and business people who produce theatre works about minority stories ( African, African Amaerican, Latino, Asian theatre,) consistently do not know how to go about funding their projects and moving them from one point to the other. There are many money sources around, but in many cases people who make theatre are not business minded to the point of developing the skills to mine money sources consistently. What I am hoping to do is to offer some assistance in helping people who work with us to get their projects funded by showing them how to structure deals that will be attractive to investors.

This consultancy is only for those seriously interested and willing to pay for the privilege of learning how to approach investors with the know how of how to successfully get projects funded. There are many projects and courses around that talk about the general producing methodologies, but in all of the cases I have seen most of the people running the projects are not really producers and many of these methodologies are more geared toward institutions rather than high net worth individuals ( which is where a great dela of money can come from). So if you are seriously interested in what we are doing and are willing to do the work it takes, please let us hear from you and we will arrange an appointment on SKYPE to chat about your project's funding needs. As we stated in WHAT WE ARE ABOUT PAGE: At the moment we are offering this service for FREE until 2nd January, 2018.

So we look forward to hearing from you about your project. All enquiries are confidential and we do not share your information with any other sources. contact us by email st:

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